Our team

Julien Dupé

Julien Dupé


« As a businessman, I realized that having THE good idea wasn’t enough. Get the right resources at the right moment definitely is a game changer. This is the accelerator factor Dupe Ventures wants to offer to high potential companies.

Our French start-ups need ambassadors, investors and mentors who believe in their projects so they become reality.

This is the mission my associates and myself dedicate to. From the idea to the unicorn, we want to be part of it! »

Clément Benoit

Clément Benoit

Board member

Resto In, Stuart, NotSoDark

Thomas Blondet

Thomas Blondet

Board member

Investment banker
Rochefort & Associés

Gary Blumenfeld

Board member

Metropole, Artysign

Benjamin Cayard

Benjamin Cayard

Board member

Bank of Poker, Startdoc

Tristan Ferry

Board member

Investment banker
InnovaFeed, Ferry Lab